Friday, January 18, 2008

Mia's First Ponytail!

Well, here is a pic of Mia's first real ponytail. You know, not just the little sprout on top! Bryce is sick today with an ear infection and strep throat so there are no pics of him since he is looking pretty puny about now. We are definitely going stir crazy now having been in the house with one of us sick for weeks. Hopefully, everyone will be well soon and we can rejoin the world!

There is also a pic of Petey (the puppy) with Mia's pacifier. Gross.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Weekend at home

We have stayed home all weekend watching football and trying to get over a cold we have all had. This is the first weekend we have had in a long time completely free. It's been nice. Mia goes for her 15 month check up tomorrow. Shots and bloodwork- no fun at all.

January 2008

So far our new year has been good. We have been to Celebration Station with my neice and nephew, gone to visit my grandma in Arkansas, played at the park, and got a new puppy! He is absolutely adorable and we are having so much fun with him!

Go Cowboys!

After watching Cowboys games with Ryan, Bryce decided he wanted a Cowboy uniform. And of course, wanted to be #9! He wanted Mia to be his cheerleader so she is wearing an old dance costume of mine!

New Year's Eve

We celebrated the new year at some of our friends' house at a pj party. It was fun, pretty low key, and lots of kids! Hope everyone has a wonderful new year!


We had a great Christmas. Ryan had a few days off this year so we got to spend more time together and with family which was nice. The kids had fun seeing grandparents, visiting with cousins and opening presents, of course. Mia didn't really understand what was going on, but still seemed to enjoy it! Here's a picture of them playing together with "Mia's" kitchen.