Thursday, February 26, 2009


We made the difficult decision to find our dogs a new home this week. Since moving here in October, we have been considering it since these yards are soooo small. Then to top it off, we have neighbors who have dogs that bark constantly. Literally, non-stop. Poor Bailey cries at the back door to come in and he does not like being inside at all. He would just whine and it was pitiful. The barking stressed me so I know it was getting to him. Petey was pretty oblivious to it, but I wanted them to stay together since they are brothers and Petey would have been miserable without Bailey. So, Ryan knows someone who lives in the country and was willing to take in 2 dogs for his family. I hated to let them go,but know it was probably best. We are thinking about adopting one small, indoor dog from a pound or animal shelter in the future.

Great Wolf Lodge

We went to Great Wolf Lodge last week and had a great time. My mom had given us a gift certificate for Christmas so we decided to go ahead and go. We hope to go back with my brothers and the kids' cousins soon. It was such a neat place with a huge indoor waterpark, arcade, a show and bedtime stories at night. Bryce loved the cave sleeping area with bunk beds and his own tv in the room!


Here is Miss Mia showing her acting talent. She said she was done swimming so we told her if she took the lifejacket off then she had to stay sitting in the chair. She agreed until she got it off and then tried to jump down. She was not happy to be told she had to put it back on to get down!


We had a Valentine's Day Party with our playgroup. The kids had a great time decorating their boxes and exchanging Valentines with all of their friends.

Bryce's basketball season ended last weekend and his team had a party at Peter Piper Pizza. The boys had a great time and were very excited about their trophies. He will be playing baseball starting in May.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Performance Week

It was
performance week at music class this week. So the kids get to pick a song from the unit and sing with the microphone. Bryce chose "I've Been Working on the Railroad" and did very well. Mia doesn't like to sing, but danced and danced and helped with the tambourine during a song :)

A Ponytail!

Well, I got Mia's hair up in a ponytail today and it looked really cute while it lasted. As soon as it started drying, the fly aways were crazy.

Baby Eric

Jennifer came over today to let Owen and the kids play. Bryce got to hold Baby Eric for the first time. He was out of town last weekend when we went to visit so this was the first time since the hospital he had seen him. He wants a boy baby now!

Winter Campout

Ryan and Bryce went on their Adventure Guide winter campout and had a good time. They rode horses, shot bb guns, did archery, etc. They also got to climb a "mountain" and ride a barge over to an island in the lake. I forgot to pack a camera with them so here are some pics from their fall campout. They go again in the spring. The next event is Derby Day where they will make and race their little derby car. Should be fun!

Girls Weekend

Mia and I had a girls weekend while Ryan and Bryce were on their winter campout. When I had asked Bryce what I was going to do all weekend without him, he said to do girl stuff like shopping for shoes and spending money. What a male!

We had a lot of fun going to see Baby Eric and playing with Owen. We also went out to eat with Mimi, Mamaw, and Tabitha. Then, we did gymnastics class at The Little Gym and she was less than impressed with that! She wants to take dance, but has to wait a few more months to be old enough. We also went to the zoo since she LOVES animals now. And it was 70 degrees in January! She got these cute pink binoculars and they never left her neck. She was being "Diego" looking for lost animals. From ballerina to a male character in seconds! Love it! She really likes to stop and smell all the flowers, also. It is cute to see her sniff (really blowing) them.Then we did some shopping because what would a girls weekend be without that? I had to get Bryce and Ryan a few things and Mia picked out a purple shirt and shoes because she loves purple!

Lost Tooth

Well, Bryce lost his first tooth and now has another one loose. He was very exicted until he saw a tiny drop of blood and freaked out. He went on and on about it until I said it wasn't bleeding and then was fine, again. So, he might not grow up to be a surgeon!