Monday, April 27, 2009


We have all been sick here the last couple weeks and are finally over it. It started with Mia getting strep throat and then some virus. The kids' allergies and asthma flared terribly so we were stuck at home over a week . We did lots of coloring, reading, and playing pirates. Mia now thinks she needs to wear a princess dress at all times, whether it is a costume or church dress! If you ask her if she is a girl or boy, she says,"no, I am a princess!". So here are some pics of her drawing and sword fighting as a princess.


Ryan's grandparents wanted to take the kids to see how chocolate bunnies were made so we met them at at chocolate store nearby. They had chocolate bunnies that were over 3 ft tall and a chocolate dollhouse and carousel. Bryce thought it was neat, but Mia just kept saying. "I need chocolate!" The girl loves her chocolate. So Grandma bought them both chocolate bunnies and they were thrilled! Mia was too interested in the chocolate to stop for a picture.


We had a good Easter. Can you tell from the one picture that they were tired of having their picture taken? We had an egg hunt at the park with our playgroup and one at the church that had live bunnies and chicks and bounce houses. Since it was raining Easter morning we did an indoor egg hunt with Owen (and Baby Eric!) and the kids had fun.
Bryce was not too sure about the Easter Bunny coming into the house to fill his basket. He wanted to leave his basket right by the door so the bunny wouldn't come anywhere near his room. I asked him why he was scared and he said "it is a bunny the size of a man who walks on two feet, don't you ever think about it?"! I think this is the last year for the Easter Bunny :( Although, he got over the fear when I suggested we could leave a note for the bunny not to come in and we didn't want treats!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Derby Day and Camp Out

Bryce had his Derby Car race for Adventure Guides last month. He and Ryan had a good time building his car and racing. He got 2nd place for "Most Car-Like". He was excited that Mimi and Mamaw came to watch!

Then they had their spring campout this weekend and had a great time. Bryce climbed the rock wall, rode in a canoe, did archery and bb guns. He got a bull's eye (or what he still calls a boo's eye!).