Thursday, August 13, 2009

Sweet Mia

Mia went in for her check up with the hematologist on Tuesday and everything looked great! All of her levels were normal. Her white and red blood cell counts were up and the dr said she is "just fine". We do have to go back one more time in February for a recheck just because the dr likes to see 18 months of stable numbers before discharging, but then we should be done. And I will be so glad. The Pediatric Texas Oncology office is somewhere I never want to see again. I truly can not imagine handling having a very sick child and was so thankful walking out of there with good news. Mia was so brave during her blood work. She asked the lady if "she wanted to check my arm" and then just put her arm out. She said a little "ouch" and that was it. I am glad she does so well and doesn't get upset, but it is also sad that she is so used to having blood drawn at age 2. Almost over!

Silly String

Just Relaxing...

T Ball

T ball ended late June and Bryce was very excited to get his trophy and medal. Next year he gets to do "real" baseball. It is actually coach's pitch, but he is looking forward to it.


Our church had VBS last month and Bryce had a blast! He really liked being in the "big kid" building this year. I taught 3rd grade. So much easier than the 4 yr olds I had last year! Mia didn't want to go to her class (the nursery) so stayed with me a few days, with Ryan and Mimi other days. I think she will like it better when she is 4 and can actually be part of VBS. At least, I hope!

4th of July

We had a great 4th of July. We went to my cousin's house and had lunch and the kids swam. Then we went to the fireworks here at the park which were very good this year. We even got the added bonus of seeing a tree catch fire and the fire truck come out. Very impressive!

Dress Up!

Our kids love to dress up. Anything from superheroes to princesses to an astronaut. They play dress up almost every day!


We went to the zoo this summer and while it was HOT, it was a good day. We walked around half the zoo and then just rode the monorail through the other half. Bryce like the pony rides and Mia wanted no part of it, but enjoyed the carousel!


We have been swimming a lot this summer. The kids love the pool here in the neighborhood and of course, Mimi's pool. Bryce is swimming now on his own and Mia is more comfortable in the water than last year. Although, her favorite part is using all the swimming accessories, as you can see! We are planning on going to Hawaiian Falls soon with the kids' cousins.