Friday, October 2, 2009


We are moving to a suburb of Houston later this month and these are pics at our new house. The kids are very excited about the pool and we hope to get a few nice days to swim before winter. We are really going to miss all of our friends and family here, but it is only about a four hour drive and we would love for everyone to come visit and stay with us! Ryan is working for the same company which is expanding to Houston now. It is a good opportunity, but also scary to be leaving the town we both grew up in.

Silly girl

Mia decided her tights looked better as a hat!

Bryce is 7!!

Bryce decided, months ago, that he wanted to take his best friend, Trevor and go to Six Flags for his birthday this year. So, I bought the tickets and we were planning on it. Then we had flash flooding ALL weekend long and didn't get to go. We took them to a fun place called Amazing Jakes instead and he loved the laser tag. Plus, they got to ride go karts, play golf, arcade games, etc so I think he was happy. We had a small family party for him with the cousins, which was an army theme. He helped make his cake and was very proud of it!

Hawaiian Falls

We went to Hawaiian Falls this summer with my my family. The kids had a good time playing with their cousins. I didn't seem to get a picture of Bryce and Tabitha, but got this one of Owen and Mia. They were playing and I just called their names and they both looked and smiled at the same time. Amazing! And of course, little Eric had to hang out in the shade most of the time.
Bryce loved the wave pool, but Mia did not appreciate the waves at all.


We made tissue paper trees the other day. Mia really enjoyed practicing cutting- see how hard she was concentrating!

Brother & Sister

See- they really can be sweet!!