Monday, January 11, 2010

Baby # 3 Update

Well, this baby is definitely making sure we remember he or she is in there! He or she also must really enjoy showing off for the camera. Due to a few scares and irregularities, I have already had 3 sonograms and am only 13 weeks along. At 9.5 wks, the baby was moving and waving it's arms. The dr said "they usually just sleep at this point- you have a wiggler". Great. Everything is fine and the baby is growing well. The heartbeat is also nice and strong. I guess it is to be expected that I would have my first somewhat complicated pregnancy while 4 hours from my doctor! We are really excited to find out the gender at the beginning of March. I am debating my choice of boy name, even though I had Keller picked out for Mia, also and still like it. I have always liked the name Dylan, but thought it was too normal! I think Ryan still prefers Keller so that will probably be it. And still Elliott Brynn for a girl!

Welcome 2010

We didn't have the best start to the new year. Bryce started running a fever on New Year's Eve and by midnight was really sick. His fever got so high, he was disoriented and asked me why I had "monster hands" when I was giving him medicine. We went to a Walgreens clinic bright and early New Year's Day to find out he had strep throat. For once, no one else got it, though! Once he felt better the next day we went to see Alvin and the Chipmunks and the kids loved it.

Last weekend, Bryce and Ryan went to the Monster Jam show and Mia and I had a girls' night. We watched Alice and Wonderland. She just calls her "wonderland"!


Sadly, my grandmother (my mom's mom) passed away suddenly the week before Christmas. We were lucky to get to spend a lot of time with her over the last year while she stayed with my mom quite a bit. Here is a picture of her at Bryce's Derby Day last spring.


We had a pretty good Christmas season, just busy! We spent Christmas Eve here at home and then drove back to Rockwall early Christmas day to spend some time with my family and Ryan's grandparents. It was nice to see everyone.

The kids enjoyed going to a new tree farm this year where Ryan and Bryce cut down our tree. Mia was in no mood to help or for pictures, but she was there! They had fun decorating the tree, making gingerbread houses, and wrapping presents. Unfortunately, I was feeling the definite first trimester symptoms during it all so it is a bit of a blur and I don't have as many pics as usual.

Santa was good to the kids. They both got scooters as those are very popular down here right now. Mia loved her dress up clothes and Bryce was excited about his Stars Wars toys. Hope everyone had a great holiday!

Work Party

Ryan's work had a family Christmas party that we went to. It was fun and Santa was there. Mia would not go see him, but Bryce did. Ryan won an i-tunes gift card that Bryce claimed and then sold back to Ryan! He is learning early!

Space Center

We went to the Space Center with some new friends and the kids had a blast.

Flag Football Pics

Bryce is about halfway through his football season. Other than being really cold, it has been a good season. Mia helps me take pics each week and therefore, we end up with a lot of pics of our shoes. She does it on purpose and thinks it is hilarious!!