Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Father's Day

We celebrated Father's Day by going to the Rangers/Astros game here in Houston. The kids actually sat through the whole game and it was looong, but we (Rangers) won. The very best thing about Houston so far in that the baseball park has a roof and air conditioning. Thank goodness! Bryce and Ryan wore their Rangers shirts and cheered for them, but that didn't stop the kids from buying Astros souvenirs! I have to get the pictures from Ryan's camera, but it was a fun day. We also went to eat at a Chinese restaurant where they had whole baby octopus on the buffet. Ugh. The kids were not impressed.

18 days!!!!

18 days left until we meet Keller! I just had my 7th ultrasound yesterday and everything looks great. He was taking practice breaths, weighs about 5 lbs 12 oz and is still a boy! We are still scheduled for July 12th unless something changes at one of the last two appts. He was so cute licking his lips and "talking" to us on the screen. We can't wait to see him and are so thankful everything has turned out okay with him.

Monday, June 14, 2010

4 More Weeks!

There are only 4 more weeks until my induction and we will meet little Keller! I am having another ultrasound next week to do a weight check. No surprise that the dr thinks he may be getting fairly big. We are hoping to still make it to the 12th, but will at least know what we are dealing with! We are ready in case he decides to come sooner and just hope he gives us enough notice to get to Dallas. His room is ready (we used the same bedding that we had with Bryce since he literally was only in the bed once for a picture!), car seat installed, hospital bag packed, take home outfit bought, etc. Now we just need him to wait a few more weeks and not get too big!

Show Week

The kids had their Show Week at The Little Gym for their karate and gymnastics class. Mimi drove down and stayed a few days so she could watch. They were thrilled! Mia will take gymnastics there again starting in August and Bryce is going to take "real" karate at another place!


We went down to Galveston to get in some more beach time before Keller arrives. We went to Seawolf Park to see the submarine and battleship. I have many (not so fond) memories of seeing it as a kid in the heat, but we knew Bryce would enjoy it. Plus, Ryan enjoys all things historical. Then we went to the beach and the kids had a great time swimming and building sandcastles. Mia walked in the house that night and fell asleep on the kitchen rug!