Monday, August 9, 2010

4 weeks old

Our sweet boy is 4 weeks old today! He is a good baby, but has already learned that he prefers being held. I know they say you can't spoil a baby younger than 6 months, but I think I have done it :) And I am totally okay with that. He is my last and I am going to enjoy every second. He is a sweet baby and loves to snuggle. He is a very good eater and I am sure he has gained quite a bit of weight! Even after three kiddos, I am still in awe of a newborn. Just amazing. Here are pics of him each week up until today so I can remember what he was like this little. His mouth is purple at 2 wks because he had thrush and we treated it with gentian violet. We are having one month pics done this week and I will post them. (4 wk pic is at top and they go down to the 1 wk pic)

Summer Fun

We have been enjoying the summer, but are ready for cooler weather here! The kids are really enjoying all the swimming they have been able to do. Bryce has learned how to dive and Mia can swim about 4 ft on her own. She could probably do more, but she is too scared to try. I love having a pool right now because they have been entertained and I haven't had to drag a newborn around too much. We have been going to the kids' movies each week and Keller sleeps the whole time in the sling :) We went to the Children's Museum here once, also and he slept. Bryce has been reading the Hank the Cowdog series and the author was in town so we went to a book signing. Other than that, we have been swimming! Here are just some random pictures of our last few weeks.