Saturday, December 22, 2007

Mia's rough day

Well, here is her lovely shiner. I am sure it will be even prettier tomorrow. Plus, she pulled her bow out of her hair and ate a chocolate cookie. Looking good!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Mia's First ER Visit

Well, she finally did it. After months of climbing on EVERYTHING, Mia fell off the kitchen chair and hit her head and had to go to the ER. She is okay and everything seems to be fine. She is just pretty whiny and pitiful today. She is going to have a nice black eye and bruise for Christmas, though. I'll have to post a pic later! She was trying to get to Bryce's crayons and just tumbled right off and landed on her head. Pretty scary!

Other than that excitement, things have been pretty good. We have been enjoying the nice weather and have gone to the park several times this week to feed the ducks. Brye also got to go ride a horse that some of his friends just bought. He thought that was cool. We were going to go to the park today with friends, but Mia changed those plans. Other than that, we have gone to look at Christmas lights and went to a family Christmas party. Bryce is very excited for Christmas and has done his shopping. My friend took him to buy presents for us and he bought for me, Ryan and the dog, Koko, but not Mia because she is "too little". Nice.

We hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Breakfast with Santa

We went to Breakfast with Santa at our church on Saturday and the kids had a great time. They had pancakes, made several Christmas crafts, and got to play on the playground. Crazy 80 degree weather in December! Bryce wanted to see Santa, but did not want to sit in his lap. He agreed only to standing by him. Mia wanted nothing to do with Santa. She practically crawled out of Ryan's arms trying to get away so we didn't really get a good pic of her. I felt bad trying considering before I could even move my arm out of the pic she was hysterical. Oh, well- maybe next year! Bryce went to a Christmas party today that his reading teacher had for her class. He made baggies for his friends with Christmas treats. They had chocloate donuts, candy, cookies, and cupcakes all at 9:30 this morning. Wonderful :)

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

December is here!

The kids are having fun getting ready for Christmas. We went to the city's tree lighting and parade. We also went to a Christmas tree farm to get our tree. Bryce liked cutting down the tree, but didn't enjoy looking for the "perfect" tree. Not that patient. I asked him if he wanted to be in the church children's pageant and told him they needed people to be animals. His response was that they also needed people to watch. So... I guess we will go watch!

Mia is walking and climbing everywhere. Another climber to scare me! She climbs over the baby gate and goes upstairs, climbs on the kitchen table and over everything.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Mia's Dr. Appt

We took Mia to the cardiologist and thankfully, her murmur is innocent. She said she will outgrow it (although Bryce did not) and needs no treatment. They did an EKG and echo cardiogram and checked her out very thoroughly. It is a relief to know that everything is fine. We also went to Chuck E Cheese today with friends and are planning to go Christmas shopping tomorrow. Bryce has agreed as long as it is the mall that has a playground; he doesn't understand the joy of shopping at all.

Saturday, November 24, 2007


We had a good Thankgiving and hope everyone else did, too. We went to visit my grandma and the kids had a great time. Bryce loved petting and feeding the horses, but Mia wasn't too wild about them. She didn't seem to understand why we would go outside in the freezing weather! We ate a lot and just hung out together. Here are a few pics!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Our Weekend

We had a good weekend. Bryce had a friend over to spend the night Friday night and they had a great time playing. Then Saturday we went to the Heard Museum to see the dinosaurs. It was really cool, but both kids were a bit scared of the realistic sounds they made, though Bryce won't admit it :) We went to Stonebriar from there and did some shopping and the kids did a build- a -bear. A spiderman bear and princess cat! Today we just hung out and Ryan got me my birthday present. No, it isn't my bday- that was months ago, but he felt guilty for not having gotten me anything since he got a new phone for his! So, he bought me a new digital camera! I am having fun playing with it and will post some more pics soon!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

November 15, 2007

I wanted to try and get in one more post before we leave to go out of town for Thanksgiving. We took Mia to the dr Monday for a respiratory infection and the heart murmur they thought had gone away was more noticeable. So they are sending us to a pediatric cardiologist to have it checked out the week after next. The dr said it wasn't urgent and she was sure it was harmless, but it wouldn't hurt to have it checked. Bryce went to the same cardiologist when he was a baby. He didn't outgrow his murmur, but it is harmless. Other than that excitement, we went to the park and Cicis with Bryce's friends Tues, had a picnic Wed, and went to Chuck E Cheese today. We are meeting his playgroup at the park tomorrow to play and he's having his best friend spend the night. Fun!

Monday, November 12, 2007

More pics of the kids

Mia and Bryce

Mia is 1 now and walking! She talks a lot and will repeat most anything :) She loves her big brother and thinks everything he does is great and hilarious. She likes playing with her little people, dolls, and riding in her pink car. She is all girl. She does the fake cry, fall in the floor dramatics and she is super sweet! She is a happy baby.

Bryce is 5 now and will start school next fall! I am so glad we had an extra year at home. I think it is great that I went a week past my due date with him now :) He loves taking art classes and wants to play soccer this spring. He is most concerned with getting a jersey and being number 9! He loves riding his big wheel and is a great big brother. He can always make Mia laugh!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Halloween 2007

October 2007

October is a crazy month around here for us. We went to the State Fair and had a blast. Bryce liked watching the Human Cannonball and still talks about it. We also had Mia's 1st birthday party, Princess themed , of course! We celebrated Ryan's birthday (on Halloween) and enjoyed several Halloween carnivals this year! We went to the Pumpkin Patch in Flower Mound and had fun picking out our pumpkins. We have mostly just enjoyed the good weather and taken advantage of the parks. Bryce loves riding his Big Wheel and Mia loves her pink car!

Well, I finally did it!

Hi, everyone! After swearing to never start a webpage for my kiddos, I finally did it. After getting over my crazy fear of posting pics of them online I was able to start. Plus, a lot of my friends are doing one for their kids and I started feeling like a bad mom :) Enough with the mom guilt, already! So, I don't know that our lives are exciting enough for anyone to want to read about and don't plan to bore you with the details, but it is here if you want to see what the kids are up to. I figure it is a nice way for me to journal their days at home even if it is just for us.


Peter Pan and TinkerBell