Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Breakfast with Santa

We went to Breakfast with Santa at our church on Saturday and the kids had a great time. They had pancakes, made several Christmas crafts, and got to play on the playground. Crazy 80 degree weather in December! Bryce wanted to see Santa, but did not want to sit in his lap. He agreed only to standing by him. Mia wanted nothing to do with Santa. She practically crawled out of Ryan's arms trying to get away so we didn't really get a good pic of her. I felt bad trying considering before I could even move my arm out of the pic she was hysterical. Oh, well- maybe next year! Bryce went to a Christmas party today that his reading teacher had for her class. He made baggies for his friends with Christmas treats. They had chocloate donuts, candy, cookies, and cupcakes all at 9:30 this morning. Wonderful :)

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