Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Family Easter Event

We celebrated Easter with my extended family and had a great time. Luckily, the rain held off and we were able to enjoy the day. The Easter Bunny brought Mia a baby doll with a pacifier (her obsession) and a purse with candy and Bryce received a Video Now and candy. We went to church and actually left Mia in the nursery since it was so crowded. I lasted the whole hour without going to check on her. I never left Bryce in the nursery when he was a baby and am very uneasy with it, but she is more independent and went right in and played. Plus, they give you a pager if she needs you. Bryce went to Sunday School and when we asked what he learned he said he played with blocks. Oh, well, at least he was there! I asked the teacher how he did, as I always do and she said he was perfect!? He asked if we were "impressed", we said yes and surprised or maybe shocked :) No, really, he always does a good job listening and participating at church. I just always ask so I am not that parent with the problem child who doesn't know her child is a problem!

Playgroup Egg Hunt

The kids are in a great playgroup that had an Egg Hunt last week, also. Bryce had fun picking out treats to put in the eggs and stuffing them. He did 12 for Mia, also. Each child brought 12 to hide at the park. Then everyone found 12. It took Mia awhile, but she finally got them all. It was nice because the kids had to stop at 12 so even though she was slow she got all of hers, too!

The new bunkbeds

Mimi (my mom) gave Bryce bunkbeds from her playroom and he is thrilled. He had a friend over to spend the night on them and they both slept up top! The top is a twin and the bottom a full and yet, they shared the top. They had fun playing until they decided to use a mesh hamper as a parachute and jump off the top- that didn't work too well. Here is a pic of them playing outside with bubble wands.

Egg Hunt at Church

Our church put on a great Easter event. They had an egg hunt, bounce houses, a visit from the Easter Bunny, crafts, and games. My niece and nephew came with us and the kids had a blast with their cousins and friends.

City Egg Hunt

Well, the first egg hunt we went on was sponsored by the city. The kids got to hunt eggs, jump in a bounce house, see animals in the petting zoo and get balloon swords! One of their eggs had the prize number in it and they won a huge teddy bear, it is like 3 ft tall. Great for allergies!

Bryce Starts Soccer

Soccer started for Bryce and he loves it. His team is the Raiders. We went today to get him soccer shorts and he wants to wear them all the time. His first game is this weekend and he is looking forward to it. Ryan is enjoying coaching even if half the team plays in the dirt and ignores half of what he says! You've gotta love 4 & 5 year olds. My family is a big soccer family so Bryce should have a nice cheering section on Saturday!

Friday, March 14, 2008


Well, we finally got a little snow and Bryce was thrilled. Poor kid thought this was a lot! He waited all night for it and I was afraid it was going to miss us, again. We really need to plan a winter vacation to take them to see snow. I just like the beach so much better!

March 2008

So far March has been a pretty busy month. We have been to the park several times with friends, gymnastics with our playgroup, and a cool place called Going Bonkers. It is a huge indoor play place that the kids could climb and play on for hours! The kids and I went bowling yesterday and Bryce won- really. He is so excited that soccer is starting. Unfortunately, his first practice got rained out, but should start next week. Ryan is excited to be coaching and has been reading up on soccer! The kids are excited about Easter and they have 3 egg hunts to go on besides the family one with all the cousins. They should have plenty of eggs and candy! They have one at church, one the city does, and one with their playgroup. Fun times! Here are a few pics of our latest activities. The first couple are the kids playing with Mia's makeup and Bryce helping her with the lipstick. I think he had as much fun as her :)