As some of you may know, Mia's iron levels have been low for the last 9 months or so. We have done iron supplements, iron-rich food, etc in hopes of getting them in a normal range. They have done bloodwork each month and last month, after doing iron drops, she was in the very low range of normal. However, today at her 18 month check , her levels were again, low and her white blood cells were off indicating a possible problem with her bone marrow.
We went to the lab where they drew blood from her arm. She did very well, so calm and brave. She handled it better than me. They are running five different tests dealing with her iron to rule out iron deficiency problems. The dr's hope is that it is just an iron problem and that her "normal" is low. I have always been anemic so we hope she just inherited that from me. However, if it is not an iron problem causing the low cell counts, they will have to check for hemoglobin and bone marrow problems. The dr mentioned the work leukemia which was enough to send me into full panic. She said there are may other things that could contribute to these symptoms, but after having iron supplements, eating beef, etc her levels should not still be so low and they need to think about the possibility her bone marrow is not functioning correctly. The other concern is just that her body is not absorbing iron which plays a large part in brain development at early ages. Not that low iron could cause any serious problems with intelligence necessarily, but it is important. Please send all positive thoughts and or prayers Mia's way. I will have the results either tomorrow or Thursday on the iron test and will go from there. Thanks, everyone.
13 years ago
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