Monday, June 23, 2008

Our Weekend

We had a pretty good weekend. Saturday was my niece's birthday and we went to Going Bonkers for her party. It is big indoor playground and arcade and the kids had a great time playing with their cousins. Saturday night we were finally able to get together with Ryan's sister to give his nephew his birthday present since we missed his party while we were in Corpus. The kids enjoyed playing with those cousins, as well :)

Then Sunday morning Ryan played golf while I taught Bryce's Sunday School class. It was a lot of fun and I only have 2 more weeks left to volunteer! I will probably volunteer again, but for a different class. I am not sure Bryce really enjoys me being in his class. He hasn't said it directly since I started, but he used to tell me to leave when I would drop him off so I am assuming that me teaching was never in his plan! Then we went to my cousin's daughter's birthday party at McDonald's where the kids had more fun playing with even different cousins. Big families are fun, but crazy.

And we have 3 kids' parties next weekend!

Bryce had a friend over to play all day today so the kids are very tired now and I am hoping for an early night, we'll see!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Meeting the Lees

After 28 years, I (Ryan) saw my biological father again. Jeff and his wife Josie came down from Washington to visit family, as well as to meet Bryce and Mia. After the different paths each of our lives have taken, it was tough to know how to handle the first face to face encounter. Sincerity and genuine affection from both sides made it much more comfortable. The first night they were in town, we all (Jeff, Josie, Aimee, and I) sat around the kitchen table until 2 in the morning sharing memories, and stories from the past. We had been talking by phone for about about a year now, but there was still much to catch up on. Jeff and Josie were great with the kids. (I'm sure the toys didn't hurt!) The kids as well as Aimee and I attended a family reunion for the Tuckers (Jeff's mom's maiden name) and we met a lot of people we hadn't seen in awhile. We all look forward to exploring this new relationship, and reconnecting with family members from long ago.

Summer Days

We have been very busy this summer, but having a lot of fun. We have been swimming at Mimi's house and a friends' neighborhood pool a couple times. We have also been hitting the sprayparks with our playgroup. We found a new one to try that the kids really enjoyed. We also went to a small waterpark the other day with friends and Bryce had a blast. He liked the "lazy pool" the best :) Mia liked sitting with me in the water and would ask to go play, but when I walked her over there, she changed her mind. She just doesn't like any water spraying at her. She liked the snow cones, though!

Sadly, our friends from New Zealand moved back home on Tuesday so we met with them one last time to play on Monday. Bryce and his friend are going to be pen pals, though and he is looking forward to getting more mail.

We are taking the kids to Disney World this fall and we are all very excited. I haven't been since I was in school and Ryan has never been so we are all looking forward to it. We have booked meals with the characters so that should be lots of fun. We leave the day after Bryce's bday so it will be nice since most kids will be in school!

Here are a couple funny pics of Mia.

Father's Day

I am teaching Sunday school for Bryce's class this month so Bryce and I came home after and picked up Ryan and Mia to go eat Chinese food. Ryan's favorite. Bryce had a great time learning to use chopsticks and now wants to use them everywhere. Afterwards, we went swimming at my mom's house for a few hours. We got Ryan a gift certificate for a round of golf.

The Harbor

We have been to The Harbor a couple times in the last week. One night we went to eat and I got some good pics of the kids in the fountains. Then we went again last night to watch a Beatles cover band perform and that was a lot of fun. We brought a picnic and Bryce played in the fountains. Mia still wants no part of water spraying at her!

Monday, June 9, 2008


The kids and I went to Arkansas last week to visit my grandmother and ended up coming home with another puppy! Last time we went is when we got Petey from my grandma's neighbor and she had taken Petey's brother. It turns out a puppy was just a bit much for her since she already has 2 dogs so she gave it to Bryce! It's been good, though because Petey isn't so hyper now that he has someone to play with. It was a good trip and the kids had fun playing outside.

We also went to the park last week with our playgroup and are planning to go to the spray park this week with them. It has been great for the kids to get to spend so much time with new friends.

Saturday was Ryan's company picnic which the kids enjoyed. There were inflatable water slides, miniature golf and Bryce had fun doing the limbo. We also saw Kung Fu Panda this weekend. Bryce liked it, but was a bit scared during a few scenes. Mia did not do well in the movie- very loud!

We are busy this month with kids' birthday parties. I think the kids have 6 friends with birthday parties this month!