Sunday, July 20, 2008

We Survived VBS

We had VBS at our church last week and had a really good time. I was surprised at how much they put into it. When I volunteered they asked what I wanted to do. Trying to be easy, I said whatever they needed . Big mistake :) I ended up leading preschool games. They rotated them through to me and I still had about 50 4 or 5 yr olds at a time! Outside in the heat! No, really it was a lot of fun and I kept Mia out with me. She doesn't really do the nursery (she lasted about 15 minutes in there this morning until our pager went off. Ryan went to check and she was very upset. Just because. She was fine once we took her out. Spoiled beyond belief, I tell you!). She made good friends with one of the youth group girls who helped me out with her. Mia loves older girls because they just followed her around doing whatever she wanted. Bryce had a great time making crafts, singing songs, playing games, jumping in the bounce house etc. He can't wait for next year. There is also a pic of him performing some of the songs he learned for us.

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