Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day

We have had a great and very low key weekend. Lots of swimming and cooking out. I love having a grill since Ryan does most of the cooking and he enjoys it, too! We only left the house for a few hours today to run some errands and eat breakfast. We roasted marshmallows on the fire pit and Ryan and Bryce slept in a tent outside one night. Mia and I opted for the comfy bed! Bryce had the idea to make pinatas that looked like tanks since it was Memorial Day and we hung those today so they could hit them open. It was fun to just spend time together as a family before I start driving to Dallas every week for dr appts!

Bryce Update

Here is a quick update on Bryce. He is 7 now and will be 8 in September. I can not believe my baby is almost 8. Crazy! He is finishing up first grade and has had a great year. He is doing well with reading and loves math. He is adding 3 digit numbers, telling time, counting money and more. Science is his passion right now and he wants to be a scientist when he grows up, but is unsure of what field right now. He loves looking up info on animals online (anacondas are the latest interest after seeing one at the zoo). He writes his own books, complete with illustrations, both fiction, like Pirates, and non fiction, about penguins. He has a very good memory and can remember things from when he was just a couple years old.

He has been doing karate and loves it! I think he is going to do a more advanced tae kwon do in the fall. He also wants to play a sport at the Y in the fall, but is undecided on which one. The Y here offers baseball, soccer, basketball, and flag football every season so we will see. He thought he would do soccer, then basketball, then football, then baseball with the seasons, but now has more options! He just lost his third tooth (first top tooth) and that is what he is showing in the picture. He was very excited and did not freak out about the blood this time! He was having leg pains and the dr wanted to do bloodwork due to Mia's issues and all the bruises he had on his shins, but everything came back normal and they think it is just growing pains. As if he needs to keep growing!

He is a great big brother to Mia and is usually pretty sweet and patient with her. He is looking forward to having a baby brother and says he will "have to watch out for 2 kids now". Sweet boy!

Mia Update

I wanted to do quick updates on each kid before Keller is born. Mia is 3 now, will be 4 in October. I cannot believe it! She is so mature for her age in most things. She has a pretty extensive vocabulary and talks all the time, except when playing bashful! She is outgoing and not meek at all! I always said I hoped my daughter would be more outgoing than me so she didn't miss out on things and that prayer was answered! She is potty trained (finally!). Once deciding she would do it, she was basically trained a day later. It just had to be on her time and with the bribe of chocolate bars. Hershey kisses were not enough. The girl LOVES chocolate and all things sweet. She will eat two fruits: grapes and bananas and one vegetable: green beans.

She started "atastics" (gymnastics) and loves it. She does very well and listens to her teachers. She wants Ryan to build her a balance beam for at home. She no longer wants to take dance class. I am absolutely certain it is because she knows I want her to, but that is okay! I just want one recital from my daughter- that's all I am asking. She wants to do t-ball or soccer at the Y next year. She is a very sweet little sister and loves Bryce so much. I am sure she will be a great big sister, too. Her health is great! No reason at all to have to go back to the hematologist. She has only been sick once in Houston and that was strep throat. She loves her daddy and thinks she should get all of his attention at all times. She still likes mommy to rock her at night and is convinced that I can rock both her and Keller when he arrives!

She has been asking to do school work with Bryce and is catching on quickly to most preschool concepts. Sweet girl!

Belly Pictures

I have done pictures of my belly with each pregnancy and am getting brave and decided to post a couple for my own records since this is the only scrapbook I keep! The kids are so excited about Baby Keller. Six weeks from today I should be holding him- can't wait!

Science and Art

Both of our kids love science and art projects, neither of which I have much talent or interest in. I have been trying to come up with fun, creative things for them to do, though. They have made "lava lamps" with oil and water, made a volcano with coca cola and mentos, painted murals, etc. Here is a picture of the explosion!


We all went to the zoo a few weeks ago. It was HOT, but fun. It was the first time Ryan had been with us so the kids enjoyed showing him around. Bryce had to show him the bats. I thought it would be good to go one last time before it got too hot, but they have the dinos coming now through Labor Day so I guess we will be going back!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Staying Busy

We have been staying busy the last few weeks with our playgroup park days, field trips, and karate and gymnastics classes. The classes end in a few weeks and they have show week where I can get some good pictures to post. Keller will be here in a little over 7 weeks! Yea! Everyone is ready. Especially me. The next month is going to be a lot of traveling back and forth to Dallas for appointments.

Here is a pic of the kids dressed up for a costume carnival at The Little Gym. Bryce was Indiana Jones and Mia was a "shaker girl" (flapper girl)!

Backyard Campout

We have been swimming and cooking out a lot lately and a few weeks ago decided to have a backyard campout. Well, Ryan and Bryce did. I took Mia in to the house with me once she fell asleep:) We swam and cooked out and made smores on the fire pit. It was a lot of fun!

Mother's Day

We drove down to Galveston for the day to celebrate Mother's Day and had a good time. Of course, the hot, humid weather turned cool and windy for the day. I was a little cold just sitting on the beach, but Ryan and the kids had a good time playing in the water. We went to lunch and walked around and looked at shops and had ice cream. It was a good day!

Bryce's NY Trip

I finally got the pictures from the trip Bryce took to New York last year. He went with my mom and sister to visit my brother and his girlfriend who recently moved up there. They live on a beach so he got to experience the beach as well as all the cool NY sites. He had a blast and keeps asking when we can all go. He thought the museum was cool since he got to see some of the things from the movie "Night At The Museum". He was NOT thrilled that they did not get to go up in the Statue of Liberty, though!

Monday, May 3, 2010

10 more weeks!

Only 10 more weeks before Keller makes his appearance. Assuming I do not go into labor before, my dr will schedule my induction for the morning of July 12th. The only way that will change is if the dr feels like labor is coming at one of my last appointments and then may go ahead and bump it up to the next day or two for a couple reasons. One is that we have determined from past experiences that my labor needs to be controlled and planned and most importantly so Ryan knows to head up to Dallas and we don't have any mad rushes up I-45! We are very excited to meet our new little guy who continues to be VERY active! We plan to stay in Rockwall until the 15th or so and then head back home.