Thursday, November 20, 2008

Basketball & American Girls

Bryce had his second basketball practice today and he LOVES it! I think he is definitely more excited about this than soccer. He liked soccer, but likes this better. It kind of makes me sad since my family is definitely a soccer family and we all played, but whatever makes him happy. He has his first game in a couple weeks. He wants a basketball goal from Santa.

My mom and I took Mia to the American Girl store this week to let her pick out which Bitty Baby she wanted for Christmas. It didn't really matter, she liked them all! My mom got her the doll and I got her the bouncy seat for the baby. It is a little girl's dream store. I think when she is a little older I will take her there for the weekend when Bryce and Ryan are camping. They have hotel packages where your doll gets a bed, robe, etc and you can eat in their restaurant with your doll. That will be fun! Bryce was less than impressed with the store, though. He was the only male child there. There were one or two dads shopping, but that was it! He thought it was a toy store and kept looking for the cool toys. Poor guy, I really shouldn't bring him back there!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Crazy kids!

Just found this pic from a couple months ago. This is the "real" Bryce and Mia! Notice the headband.

Another Day...

We had a good day today staying home and getting some school work done this morning. Bryce is learning about 3-D shapes and geometry in math, working on reading and phonics, learning about ants in science and learning the differences in states, countries and continents.

The kids had their music class this afternoon and they love it! It is a lot of fun because it is something the three of us can do together. So many of the things they do are separate that it is nice for them to have one activity together. I ordered them some of the small instruments they use in class for Christmas so it should be fun (and loud!). I ordered rhythm sticks, tambourines, bells, shakers, etc and we are going to set up Ryan's old drum set and guitars in our extra bedroom to make a music room for now. That is until we need a nursery :)

The weather was so nice today that the kids came home and played outside with the dogs, Petey and Bailey, and all four were nice and tired tonight.
We finally joined the church we have been visiting. It took me two years to do it, but it is official. It seemed like the next logical step after being there two Christmases, volunteering at VBS and teaching Sunday School! I guess we are Methodist now. I am not sure how I feel about that, but I do really like the church and all it offers for kids and families. I am teaching Bryce's Sunday School class and plan to do Mia's next year when she is out of the nursery and in the 2 yr old class. I can't believe how big she is getting.

Bryce has his first basketball practice tomorrow so I will post some pics then!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Crazy Weekends

Ryan works so much during the week that our weekends are crazy and busy. I can't imagine when we have multiple kids in sports and activities. Whew! Friday night we has some friends over for dinner and Bryce's friend spent the night. They "camped out" upstairs in the playroom and had a blast. Mia enjoyed having a friend over to play for a few hours, also. It was a good night for everyone.

Ryan had a coach's meeting at the YMCA for basketball on Saturday and got the team info. Now they just have to pick a name and uniform and start practices next week. Bryce is so excited. He has really been wanting to play basketball for a couple years and is just now old enough. We went and bought him basketball shoes and he thinks they are pretty cool. I volunteered at the church Saturday night doing a Parent's Night Out for kids with special needs. That really makes me realize how lucky I am to have two healthy kiddos. Rotten, but healthy.

We took the kids to eat at Rain Forest Cafe for lunch after Sunday School. Mia loved the fish and wasn't too scared of the gorillas after a few minutes. We did some shopping and headed home.

So, we are supposed to be loading Mia up on iron-rich food to try to build her iron stores up. They gave me a list of food that could easily be titled "foods your kid won't eat". Spinach, liver? Ugh. So if anyone has any good suggestions or recipes, please let me know. She will be rechecked in 3 months and we really need to know we gave her plenty of iron so we know if iron is the issue or if her body just isn't storing it. Email me if you have any advice- please!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Mia's Health Update

Just a quick update about Mia's health. She has only been sick (respiratory infection) once since seeing the hematologist in May and her levels looked good then. So we just had to go back for a recheck at Texas Oncology today. They drew blood from her arm and she did very well. Very calm and brave, she really is such a good baby. Or a good kid she's really not a baby at all anymore :(
All of her white blood cells, red cells, hemoglobin and all were elevated from the last visit which was very good news. He told us he would look at her iron stores, ferritin count, when the test came back, but that he anticipated that it would have gone up, too. He told us we no longer had to come see him, but could just follow up with the pediatrician. Then I got the call about an hour later: the test came back and her iron stores have dropped 3 points in the last 6 months which puts her at the very bottom of normal. Literally, normal is 10-250 and she is at 10. So, it just means she now has iron deficiency anemia, which is strange because her iron levels were fine before and they had taken her off iron because it did not appear her anemia was related to iron. However, it now looks like it is and so we are doing an iron rich diet and will have to go back to the hematologist in February to have all the levels checked, again. Not the best news, but definitely not the worst you can get at a Pediatric Oncology Center. I am so thankful that is all it is.

Mia's Birthday Pics- Take 2

Well, we tried again and Mia cooperated very well. Unfortunately, the camera kept shutting off so we had some trouble with that. Better that the first time, though!

Cousin's Birthday Party

The kids' cousin turned 3 last week and had his party at ASI gymnastics. The kids had a blast there and we have decided to sign Mia up for gymnastics classes. Bryce is about to start basketball at the YMCA and is very excited. The pics show them playing in the "pit".

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Disney World!!!!!!!!!!!

We had a great trip and are so glad we took the kids this year. We would like to go back when Mia is about Bryce's age because I think he was the perfect age. He was old enough and tall enough to ride most of the rides, but young enough to enjoy the shows and characters. He loved Space Mountain and Thunder Railroad! Mia was not so sure about the characters, but she eventually would shake their hands! So, I have to start convincing Ryan now to go back in a few years :) Although, I don't think it will be too hard since he had a blast, also.


We had a great Halloween. It is also Ryan's birthday so we met him at work for lunch. Then that night we went to the city's carnival and trick or treating. Bryce was Tony Romo and Mia was Cinderella.

Field Trip to the Arboretum

We went to the arboretum for the Pumpkin Festival and it was really neat. There was a house made of pumpkins that the kids loved.

Adventure Guides

Bryce and Ryan had their first Adventure Guide campout in October. They had a great time. I am so glad they are doing this together. I did the program with my dad growing up and loved it. It is a great way for dads and kids to spend time together. Bryce can't wait for the winter campout!