Saturday, September 18, 2010


Keller is 2 months old now. Hard to believe! On one hand it seems like I was just pregnant and on the other, it seems like he has always been here. Can't imagine not having him. He is such a sweet, good baby. He is a real trooper going to the kids' activities in the middle of naps and is very flexible. He is almost always calm, but his 2 month immunizations hit him pretty hard. He was fussy and had a fever for a few days. A friend lent me a baby wrap and I have been wearing him and it is wonderful! I wish I had one with Bryce who wanted to be held all the time! Plus, it leaves my hands free which is good with 2 other kiddos! I have already ordered two wraps and plan to wrap him to me from here on out. He falls right to sleep. Even better than the sling. I will have to get Ryan to take a picture. He still wakes up a couple times a night, but that is to be expected. He is starting to smile and it is just so cute. He weighed 11.15 lbs and was 23.5 in at 2 months. Our smallest so far by .10lb! We are all in love with our baby, Kelley (the kids are starting to call him that now, too- yea!).

Space Center

We took the kids to the Space Center to see the Clone Wars exhibit before it ended. Mia, Keller, and I played in the kids' area while Ryan and Bryce checked out the exhibit. There was one particular game that Bryce wanted to do over and over. Something with climbing! Here are some pics Ryan took.


Mia started taking gymnastics at a new gym and really likes it. She got a new leotard and was so proud of it. She asked everyone if they liked it! She is finally starting to talk about taking dance class, but when she tried the new gym decided she loved gymnastics! Maybe at semester or next year she will try ballet, too.

Bryce is 8!

I can not believe that Bryce is 8. It goes sooo fast. He wanted to go to Amazing Jake's for his birthday so we came back and did that in Dallas. We went to a hibachi restaurant on his actual birthday which he loved. He got an electric guitar, remote control boat and other fun things. I think his favorite might have been the alarm clock that Keller got him. He picked Super Mario for the theme and helped me make the cake for our family dinner.

Bryce is a good big brother to both Mia and Keller. He is still very excited to have a little brother. He kissed them both and told them he would miss them when he left on a campout with Ryan. So sweet! He is doing karate, Adventure Guides, science classes at the Natural History Museum and starts baseball next week. Last night he went to a kids' night out at karate and loved it.

Keller's Baptism

We came to Rockwall and had Keller baptized at our old church on August 22. It was nice to have family and close friends there and we really appreciate everyone who came. My mom bought him a beautiful gown and he just looked so sweet. It's a shame that he can only wear it the once!