Saturday, September 18, 2010

Bryce is 8!

I can not believe that Bryce is 8. It goes sooo fast. He wanted to go to Amazing Jake's for his birthday so we came back and did that in Dallas. We went to a hibachi restaurant on his actual birthday which he loved. He got an electric guitar, remote control boat and other fun things. I think his favorite might have been the alarm clock that Keller got him. He picked Super Mario for the theme and helped me make the cake for our family dinner.

Bryce is a good big brother to both Mia and Keller. He is still very excited to have a little brother. He kissed them both and told them he would miss them when he left on a campout with Ryan. So sweet! He is doing karate, Adventure Guides, science classes at the Natural History Museum and starts baseball next week. Last night he went to a kids' night out at karate and loved it.

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